Human Trafficking Awareness Day

January 11th is Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
This is my logo as a Life Coach. The butterfly became a symbol to me before I knew the truth because of the representation of the growth, change, endurance, hope, life and resurrection. It reminded me also of God and His creations and how I feel He is present and supportive in our individual improvement journey of something that we can become to be more beautiful and unique than we could ever know we could create.
I picked the color blue because of its representation of human trafficking and the dark world I dove in after my biggest D-day. I communicated with girls in my discovery process and some I was able to get a glimpse of the real person they are inside. My heart broke for them why they were in the situation they were, especially the really young ones. It was a weird space to feel compassion for them particularly because of the reason why I knew them. So many confusing layers. But I know God loves EVERYONE and knows each of our stories and the “why” behind it all too.
I chose mosaic wings that represent my shattered life in betrayal trauma. The left wing is broken with separated spaces symbolic to the new discovery. The right wing shows the refined artistry of my healing process.
Thank you to all that have supported me through all spaces of my own healing and sharing my story so I can help others. I love helping others find hope in their healing. i have been so blessed and look forward for what is still yet to come.
I’m looking forward to continuing in helping others Learn to FLY!