Sharing My Story

I recently hiked Rattlesnake Gulch at sunset and the view around the bend of the dropping warm sun reflecting off the fall leaves and mountain was mind blowing. I couldn’t take enough photos yet this photo shared with me after was one of my favorites.
This candid photo was taken from his perspective capturing the enjoyment he saw in me experiencing the view for the very first time. I love that you can see what’s on my camera from his photo and even a little bit of my demeanor as I stood there in contentment.
This picture also reflects how I feel in the benefits of sharing my story. I have had the opportunity to interact, communicate, serve, speak, laugh, love and listen to so many only because of the darkest moments of my life. I get to be a part of communities and interconnect with other amazing warriors because of my trauma. They have all been such a blessing to my life! Part of the change in who I am and the unbelievable happiness I have is from the support I feel from others and what I also perceive I am able to give back.
One of my greatest rewards is helping see the progress in someone that has been victimized, especially in betrayal trauma stemming around sex and porn addiction from a spouse. I know how important it was for me in my journey to see someone just in front of me to give me just a little bit of hope that the dark hole I was in would not remain my life forever.
I am beyond thankful for those that used their voice to share their healing journey that gave me a vocabulary and validation of what I was going through was real and I wasn’t alone.
I love this quote by Brené Brown “One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will become someone else’s survival guide.”
I love the link of those I have before me and after. We are all eachothers survival guide. Together we are a long line of thriving warriors. I don’t know if I ever believed my trauma would end up being one of my greatest blessings to help me experience some of the joy I have in my new life.
@marnibown #warrior #betrayaltrauma #addiction #divorce #millcreekcanyon #brenebrownquotes #mytribe #happiness #pornkillslove #pornaddictionisreal #sexaddictionrecovery #emotionalabuse