Silent Christmas Night
In preparation of approaching the D day that also happened to fall on Christmas early morning I was asked to reflect on any memories that were good and I could pull memories from. And when I looked over the last 21 years and not knowing the truth I fell upon my last year before I was married where my mom was dying of cancer and too weak and sick to carry in the usual traditions
As I set up decorations early December I found a note in my stocking she had written and placed the year earlier because she feared not living to the following Christmas in hope we would find her loving Christmas wishes. This began my tears that December because we all knew it was only a matter of days left for her mortal life on Earth. It seemed unfair this healthy and happy woman became so sick that all her desire to fight wasn’t possible because her body just wouldn’t allow it anymore.
It was a quiet Christmas season and as I crawled in bed on Christmas Eve I turned the radio on and the song “Silent Night” was playing. It was such a silent night and I felt alone. As the song played on and I listened to the words I felt warmth and comfort that although it is about the Christ child I felt I was the child and Christ was comforting me to sleep in heavenly peace on a holy night. That there were heavenly hosts watching over our family and to rejoice in the knowledge I will see her again because Christ the Savior is born!!
As I anticipate the evening I am reminded that again Christ is with me to comfort me. My mom is there as other angels have watched over us and our home all year long. There are so many angels on Earth that continue to pray and protect us and we feel it!! My prayer is that as we all put our head to our pillow this night that we may have a moment to feel the silence of the night. To know that God is with us. Christ was born to die for us to know us individually. And may this knowledge we have tonight help us all sleep in heavenly peace and bring extra comfort to those that feel dark and alone. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!

(Photo taken from “The Nativity” by Ted Henninger)