The Lion King | Trailer

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I recently saw Lion King and when the monkey asked Simba..”Who are you?” it hit me to the core. He is down feeling like things are all his fault but as viewers we know he was made to believe things were his fault when really they were not. I have felt this several times and have found it’s when I specifically understand that I am a Daughter of God that has inherited specific talents and traits I have identified from Godly parents that I can believe in myself when the harsh words come at me. This still is what hurts me the most is being made to believe what happens or has happened is because of me. In reality, I am not perfect and yet NOTHING I did or didn’t do makes me responsible for this. Can you name 3 talents you have? Spiritual, physical or emotional? I encourage you to recognize them and write them down where you can see them so you can look yourself in the mirror and BELIEVE it when you say “I am a daughter of a King!” I teach my boys the same thing about being a son of a King. #betrayaltrauma #emotionalabuse #blame shifting #addiction #pornaddiction #sexaddiction #lds #divorce #straightenyourcrown Here is a list of spiritual gifts I loved: 

To make and appreciate music,
Recognizing Truth when it is spoken/read, 
Helping others feel comfortable,
Appropriate humor,
Be Forgiving,
Being Gentle,
To bring order,
A tender heart, 
Bringing Joy to others,
Enjoying life,
Being satisfied, 
Being Grateful in all things,
Creating beauty,
Being able to laugh,
Seeing the good in others,
Being clean,
Seeing the gifts of others,
Desiring to do what is right,
Being clean/desiring to be clean,
Loving the Temple,
Being a peacemaker,
Keeping sacred things sacred,
The gift of courage,
The gift of earnest meaningful prayer,
The gift of recognizing spiritual promptings,
The gift of loving the word of God, 
The gift of applying the scriptures,
The gift to See and to Soothe Emotional wounds