Standing Strong

With permission I share a beautiful picture and an experience from one of my clients.
She was vacationing by the beach in South Carolina when a big storm came in during the night. She says,
“I walked out to the beach today and this was the first thing I saw. I don’t believe in coincidences. I think when Heavenly Father wants to tell us something He does.
I’ve said, I feel like I spent 30 years building this beautiful sandcastle and some bully came running down the beach and wrecked it.
Then I saw footsteps that led me down beach to a pretty sand castle.”
The prints were symbolic like the poem “Footsteps” as Christ carried her in her heartbreak.
She felt the broken sandcastle was more beautiful because it survived the storm.
“Well God just showed me that the strongest parts are still there. It is still standing. I am still standing. My kids are still standing. And it is what you do with those parts that make the difference going forward.”
What beautiful blessings we have all around us!!!”
I am so thankful for my clients and what they add to my life. I love that she is thriving and rebuilding her own sandcastle now into an unforgettable design.