“Strengthfinder 2.0” by Gallup and Tom Rath

My August Book Club recommendation is “Strengthfinder 2.0” from Gallup and Tom Rath. It’s about discovering your “CliftonStrengths”.
In my journey of rebuilding and remembering who I am I was recommended this book. I have also loved shifting my natural focus on constantly trying to focus goals to improve upon my weaknesses and instead hone in on already known strengths to increase them as well.
In addition to a list of strengths listed in the book it also provides several ways to apply them yourself and allows you to see the world in a different way than you have before.
We are all children of God and given Godly gifts and talents. I have enjoyed my journey of recognizing what I already have and building upon it. I also am working towards developing talents I want to obtain. I know with self discipline and hard work I can add to my strengths as well as increase my already found strengths.
Here is part of the list to draw from:
Achiever, Activator, Adaptability,
Analytical, Arranger, Belief, Command, Communication, Competition, Connectedness, Consistency, Context, Deliberative, Developer, Discipline, Empathy, Focus, Futuristic, Harmony, Ideation, Includer, Individualization, Input, Intellection, Learner, Maximizer, Positivity, Realtor, Responsibility, Restorative, Self-Assurance, Significance, Strategic, Woo.
What strengths and new talents do you recognize in yourself?