I was watching “The Christ Child” and was overcome with emotions of hope in this moment Mary was about to give birth.

I don’t know for certain but I can imagine her loss of ideals in the moments of how she envisioned the birth of the Son of God would be. Or maybe she even had a confirmation, clarity and understanding along the way. There’s a possibility that even Joseph felt a loss as well.

What we do know with time is this was how it was meant to be. This was Gods plan and we celebrate the symbolism and importance even today of how the events unfolded. And for me I love the simplicity of it all!

I have mourned my loss of ideals but it is my HOPE in God that reminds me He is aware of the bigger picture and it’s purpose. I know in time I will see it all and have a greater understanding of my life and why things have happened they way they have.

In the meantime I truly feel so blessed. Here is the link to see the video:


Marni Bown @marnibown #lighttheworld #lighttheworld2020 #hope #christsbirth #mothermary #motherslove #noroomattheinn #humblebirth #thechristchild