The Cultural Hall

I was interviewed by @richietsteadman on The Cultural Hall shortly after my divorce was final 3 years ago.
I still have people find me and reach out because they heard my interview and totally relate to what I said.
I recently listened to it again and I am so proud of what I learned and shared even then. It is another testament to me of the importance of acknowledging the truth in what happened and owning and sharing your story, no matter how painful it is. Sharing looks different for everyone and that’s why I love being a Life Coach. Sometimes I am one of the few that really know what is going on but we still get to work on their healing.
I know that for me when I finally shared my story I was able to meet and be led to people that really helped me. The first time opening up was so difficult, shameful and embarrassing but that was the beginning that provided me validation, support, resources, help and a vocabulary that was crucial in my healing process.
Did you recently have a D-day? Or is someone you love going through something similar to me?
I would love to be your sounding board and support in a safe space. I have been there before.
Here is the link to the podcast:…/marni-bown-ep…/
Click on the link to schedule a free 25 min Zoom call to make an appointment. You can also visit or email me at if one of the times listed doesn’t work for you.
You are not alone!