Unanswered Prayers

We were recently listening to Garth Brooks when the song “Unanswered Prayers” came on.
I have heard it several times in my life that brings a lot of memories but now it hits me super hard in my soul!
When he sang, “that just because he may not answer doesn’t mean he don’t care. ‘Cause some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers” I was so emotional. I now recognize that what I was praying for wasn’t just unanswered, He answered them in His time and it wasn’t how I expected it would be or needed them to be.
I prayed hard for him to fight for me and to want to choose me.
I prayed for the pain and hurt that kept me lifeless in a ball on the floor to disintegrate.
I prayed for all the truth and his decisions to go away.
I prayed that this wouldn’t really be my life and that I could just disappear.
Now I am so thankful he walked away because my new path is better than I could have ever imagined. I now get to be with someone that does fight for me and choose me and because I know what it is like to not have that, I value it even more.
The strong sad emotions I felt also help me appreciate other angel people in my life that have helped relieve that burden. I love them and am forever indebted to them. I have more gratitude in feeling pure joy. I know what that dark space feels like and I love being in the light.
I am glad I am here and have accepted this is my story. I get to help others that are just behind me traveling the same path. We are a network of survivors that are hope for each other. I can genuinely look at someone and have an understanding because I have also been in the dark hole before where the trap door keeps dropping out from underneath you and there seems to be no way out.
I love my life and living!
So thank you God for not answering my prayers but instead knowing me better than myself and blessing me with other things that in the end…really did answer my prayers.
What unanswered prayers are you thankful for now?