Walk With Me

I love this painting “Walk with Me” by House of Maria so much I have it hanging in my office.
After my big D-day and navigating divorce I saw, felt and experienced the adversary in ways I never imagined could really exist. It was so dark and I knew we were still in a war against evil with Christ as our head leader.
I was reminded again of this painting when a friend shared about his experience with trials and being asked, “Are you finally out of the woods?”
I too have felt like I am wandering in the woods uncovering new paths and climbing higher mountains to get a clearer view. I envision that at times, Christ comes to visit with me in my war I’m fighting. He helps me become the warrior I am supposed to be so I can overcome my conflicts.
I appreciate the reminder that He is there! He has already fought all our battles. He is never not aware of where we are, even when we feel lost.
I envision Him as my general and together we walk in the mornings to figure out a plan on how to survive the daily battle. He is calm and confident and I feel like a survivor with hope and faith that in the end He will prevail.
I love this painting and how my vision of all of this comes together visually and metaphorically.
“The story behind “Walk with Me.” When I heard this song in church, it touched me deeply. The next day I listened to it over and over and then I saw what happens when I walk with my Savior; my sins get washed away like the red at the bottom. As the young, beautiful women dressed in white I looked different, the light shined over me, and I was peaceful, clean and pure. I could breathe, laugh, and have the joy He gives. I donated this painting to my church in Mossel bay with believe that everyone who passes it will see what I saw. Today we hope you feel this grace as well as you look at this beautiful painting.” – Maria
Update: the song she is referring to is “Walk with Me” by Kim Walker.