“We’re Not Realy Strangers: Self-Love Edition Card Game”

My February Book Club recommendation is “WE’RE NOT REALLY STRANGERS Self-Love Edition Card Game – A Journey to Self-Discovery and Empowerment for Couples, Adults, & Teens for Date & Game Nights.” It’s a card for Ages 15+, 1-2 Players.
There are several cards with questions prompting self reflection from the past, present and future.
Level 1 (Past): “When is a time you felt you needed to be tough?”
Level 2 (Present): “What’s one thing you like about being you?”
Level 3 (Future): “ What pattern do you want to break, even if you don’t know how yet?”
I love during the month we can find a way to love ourselves. Often we are so busy working hard on how to be whether where we feel we are failing, we forget to preferred and appreciate the places we are already doing well.
Happy Love Month!