What is a D-day?

What is a D-day?
D-day stands for discovery day. It is the day you first discovered your partners betrayal. This day is likely seared in your mind and you know the exact moment your world changed forever. And for most, what you now know is that the information that made your world fall apart was really only the tip of the iceberg.
My first big D-day falls on Christmas morning at about 2:00 AM. Not sure why it happened that way, but that gets to be our story.
I say “my first big D-day” because in my experience he didn’t share or even admit to much even after it was found and I had the hard evidence in my hand or right in front of me. Because of his gaslighting I would almost believe him over what I knew without a doubt. In my process of reconfirming my truths I stumbled upon many more new discoveries (or D-days) and devastations to what I thought I already knew. My timeline kept going farther and farther back filled with more horrible lies and betrayals.
Now I view my first big D-day as another massive tender mercy from God. Without it I would not have ended my marriage that my therapist was telling me I should leave. My D-day saved me!!
There is no doubt in my heart, mind and soul that this was the most difficult time of my life. I had moments not sure I would make it out alive. Yet with time I get to see where my path led me and because of that, I would do it again.
I know God is aware of us and what we need. He is with us every step of the way. I will never know why it took me so long to figure things out but I know why I am divorced and there is freedom in that.
I love that Mark and I share similarities in our story. Looking back we both are so thankful for the hard and the opportunities created for us to find eachother. We didn’t know when it felt so dark that the light we feel confirms often that this is how it was always meant to be.