WORTH Retreat

Last call for the WORTH Retreat in May for anyone who is still wanting to attend.
“We know just how hard you work to meet your many obligations while also healing from betrayal trauma. It’s not easy, we get it!
This is a weekend that has been planned just for you! We will have speakers covering educational and uplifting topics, as well as scheduled time to relax. On top of all that, you will be surrounded by women who understand everything you are going through on the deepest level.
The retreat starts 7 pm on May 19th and goes until checkout on the morning of May 22nd. Classes and workshops will have breakouts for those new to recovery, those further along in the journey, and for women who are going through or healing from divorce. There will be something for everyone (see the schedule below for more details). We hope to see you there!”
Here is the copy to the link to register:
#therapeuticretreat#womensretreat#healingretreat. #healingfrombetrayaltrauma#mentalhealing#healingtools#womenssupportwomen#personalgrowth#emotionalhealing#womenempowerment#womensupportingwomen#healthyyou#healyourheart#empoweryourself#hopeandhealing#ldswomen#ldsdivorce#healingtakescourage#selfconfidence#betrayaltrauma#trauamrecovery#betrayaltraumasupport#event#support#infedelityrecovery#movingon#affairrecovery#healingwithworth#LifeChangingServices#marnibown