09NovDating, Divorce, Gratitude, I Believe In God, TrustI Will Always Be The Lucky OneYup! I am that girl that was not looking to get remarried. I was not
06NovAnti-Porn, Best Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, D-Day, Divorce, Gratitude, Grief, Helpful Resources, I Believe In God, Life Coach, PTSDBYU Life After DivorceWhat a privilege it was to present and attend the classes at the BYU LIfe
01NovAnti-Porn, Betrayal Trauma, D-Day, Divorce, Helpful ResourcesLosing Trust in YourselfWhy does a D-day feel like a difficult and upward climb out to feeling normal
25OctBetrayal Trauma, Divorce, Helpful Resources, Life Coach, Self CareBYU Life After Divorce ConferenceI am so excited to be a presenter at the BYU Life After Divorce Conference
20OctBook ClubOctober Book Club: “More Than A Body: Your Body Is An Instrument Not an Ornament” by Lindsay Kite PhD and Lexie Kite PhD.My October book club recommendation is “More Than A Body: Your Body Is An Instrument
14OctAnti-Porn, Best Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, D-Day, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, Gratitude, Grief, Helpful Resources, Life Coach“Relational and Betrayal Trauma” with Marnie Breecker.I recently recalled this podcast “Relational and Betrayal Trauma” with Marnie Breecker to share with
10OctBest Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, Boundaries, D-Day, Dating, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, Gratitude, Grief, Helpful Resources, I Believe In God, Life CoachI Am A WitnessI love this post from Hank Smith. “The most heartbreaking times can be like forest
04OctAnti-Porn, Helpful Resources, Life Coach, Self CareUCAP ConferenceIt’s UCAP time again. Mark your calendars for Saturday November 9th to take part in
29SepBest Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, D-Day, Gratitude, Helpful Resources, Music, Self Care, TriggersHealing PlaylistIn my healing process I created a playlist of songs that helped me tremendously. They
28SepAnti-Porn, Betrayal Trauma, D-Day, Dating, Divorce, Grief, TriggersDating After DivorceHas dating again post divorce been triggering? If so, I can totally relate. I was