13OctAnti-Porn, Betrayal Trauma, Emotional Abuse, Forgiveness, I Believe In GodA DARVO BrickIn my research of forgiveness I have found that one of the hardest parts has
07OctBeauty, Betrayal Trauma, Emotional Abuse, I Believe In GodI Believe In GodOne of the questions I get asked a lot is..”How can you still believe in
30SepAnti-Porn, Best Quotes, Book Club, I Believe In GodBook Club: “Like Dragons Did They Fight”My September Book Club recommendation is “Like Dragons Did They Fight: The Sons of Helaman
26SepBetrayal Trauma, I Believe In God“Self”I am so thankful for all I have learned about the different concepts of self.
19SepAnti-Porn, Betrayal Trauma, Emotional Abuse, TrustTrust ShatteredIn the recent wind storm a tree branch flew through my window and shattered glass
11SepAnti-Porn, Best Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, Emotional Abuse, I Believe In GodPre D-Day Truth9/11 still signifies sadness and the appreciation for freedom but for me it also has
11SepAnti-Porn, Best Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, Helpful Resources, LifestyleUCAP ConferenceSpeakers are Jeffrey R. Holland, Fight the New Drug and Collin Kartchner. Visit https://utahcoalition.org/2020-ucap-st-george-rally/. Click
08SepI Believe In God, LifestyleKindergartenI remember vividly taking this picture after meeting my beautiful teacher and how excited I
31AugBetrayal Trauma, Emotional Abuse, I Believe In GodPatience in Healing I finally completed a two year physical injury journey. It started with a broken ankle
23AugBook ClubBook Club: “Strengthfinder 2.0”My August Book Club recommendation is “Strengthfinder 2.0” from Gallup and Tom Rath. It’s about