31AugBetrayal Trauma, Emotional Abuse, I Believe In GodPatience in Healing I finally completed a two year physical injury journey. It started with a broken ankle
23AugBook ClubBook Club: “Strengthfinder 2.0”My August Book Club recommendation is “Strengthfinder 2.0” from Gallup and Tom Rath. It’s about
16AugAnti-Porn, Betrayal Trauma, D-Day, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, LifestyleDIVORCEWhen you see the word DIVORCE..what comes to mind? I am sad to admit that
10AugAnti-Porn, Best Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, DivorceChoose to LaughMy dear friend sent me this because our cause for divorce was very similar and
28JulAnti-Porn, Beauty, Betrayal Trauma, Emotional Abuse, I Believe In God, LifestyleChallenge AcceptedI accept the challenge to support strong women. I look at this picture of me
24JulAnti-Porn, Beauty, Betrayal Trauma, Emotional Abuse, I Believe In God, LifestyleONE YEARToday I celebrate ONE YEAR of sharing my story. What an amazing journey it’s been
20JulBook ClubBook Club: “Mindful Games”My July Book Club recommendation is “Mindful Games” by Susan Kaiser Greenland. A dear friend
14JulAnti-Porn, Betrayal Trauma, Emotional Abuse, FashionBehind My MaskThose who know me well know how much I LOVE to laugh and smile. I
07JulAnti-Porn, Best Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, Emotional Abuse, I Believe In God, Lifestyle, My PodcastsMy Podcast on BTR.orgI am so excited about my new podcast at BTR.org. They have so many helpful
04JulAnti-Porn, Beauty, Betrayal Trauma, Boundaries, Divorce, Gratitude, I Believe In God, Self CareMy Freedoms I recognize some of my new freedoms I now feel from being divorced