16OctBeauty, Boundaries, Forgiveness, Helpful Resources, Self Care“The Girl in the Velcro Dress:”While I was in the thick of my new trauma my dear friend sent me
10OctBoundaries, D-Day, TrustTrusting Especially in MyselfTrust is an interesting concept. After all the emotional abuse and betrayal trauma I have
29SepBetrayal Trauma, Divorce, Helpful Resources, I Believe In God, My Podcasts, RemarriageUnashamed Unafraid Podcast InterviewI am so honored to have been a guest on the Unashamed Unafraid podcast this
25SepBook Club“If He’s So Great, Why Do I Feel So Bad?”My September Book Club recommendation is “ If He Is So Great, Why Do I
19SepBetrayal Trauma, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, PTSD, TrustGaslightingGaslighting is the name of some of the emotional abuse that occurred in my marriage.
12SepAnti-Porn, Betrayal Trauma, Boundaries, D-Day, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, Gratitude, I Believe In God, TriggersBoundariesIn the moment that this picture was captured I was taking in the beauty and
05SepBeauty, Betrayal Trauma, D-Day, Divorce, RemarriageMy Plan AI love the perspective a dear friend shared recently that instead of believing we are
30AugBetrayal Trauma, Boundaries, D-Day, Divorce, I Believe In GodFog Was LiftedI remember the day he moved everything out. I had the kids sleep away so
23AugBetrayal Trauma, D-Day, I Believe In GodRegrowth and New LifeI love this post from Hank Smith. “The most heartbreaking times can be like forest
17AugBetrayal Trauma, Dating, Divorce, Gratitude, I Believe In God, Remarriage, Woven FamilyIt Was Totally ALL Worth It!Mark and I have had several events recently to celebrate our children. After each one,