Butterfly Effect

I love butterflies and all that they represent in their ability to transform, to change, and offer endless possibilities. I love the rebirth, determination, patience in the change and vulnerability in that first flight.
Butterflies offer joy and embrace the ability to experience the wonderful life. To go from moving slowly on a twig and after enduring a transition to taking flight over seas and continents.
In addition, I love the idea of the butterfly effect and how one small change in a state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. The simple flap of butterfly wings weeks before can contribute to the tornado weeks later. Of course this would mean that the choices we make can effect those for good or have a negative effect as well. But I do believe we are all beings that carry spiritual energy that we give off everyday.
Let our intentions be good. Notice I didn’t say perfect…but to do the best we can each day and to forgive ourselves for our shortcomings. May we each pray at the end of a day to recognize how we made a positive contribution to the universe that day just by existing and being ourselves.
And as we learn to FLY we understand that it stands for First Love Yourself. We are commanded to “love your neighbor as yourself” yet often we are more loving and forgiving to others MORE than ourselves. As if we believe the Atonement applies to everyone, except us.
Give yourself a hug today. Tell yourself 3 things you are doing well. Recognize what talents you have and how God is mindful of you. And every time you see a butterfly may you be reminded of how you make a difference everyday just by being YOU.