Happy International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day!
I am forever thankful for ALL the women that have passed through and been a part of my life.
I am the only girl in my family, my mom died when I was 18 of ovarian cancer, I have four boys and am a single mom. I have looked to women all my life as examples of what to be and what not to be.
It has been different women that have taught me some of my greatest lessons of faith, love, service, empathy, sacrifice, goodness, emotion, comfort, care, determination, protection, safety, intellect, fun, testimony, strength, laughter and hope.
I love being a part of this new campaign with Deseret Book for the Time Out For Women called “Magnify.” All the joy you see and feel in this picture is absolutely real. We had a blast singing and dancing to “My Girl.”
More info to come but it’s an incredible idea of bringing ALL women together as one.
“Magnify is a community of sisters who cheer, inspire, and embolden each other to use their influence to help fill the world with Christ’s love.” -Magnify Community www.magnifythegood.com @magnifycommunity