Hope After Divorce

The whole divorce process was so sad, dark, overwhelming, inflicting, hurtful and confusing.
I felt I was in a deep hole and that every time I would start to see a little light at the top, a trap door would drop out from under me and I would fall farther back down.
I was weak, discouraged, and surviving each day. I tried my best to pretend I was alright but my life as I had hoped, believed and wanted was falling apart. I felt so much anger and frustration from the control his choices of not choosing me and us were having on the outcome of my life and how I chose to live. How could all the horrible things he did trump how I lived my life? It seemed so profoundly unfair.
Then I made a decision to recognize and see the things I got to choose after divorce. It became a part of my new journey and I was learning so much.
I could now proudly admit that I chose to seek safety in divorce instead of feeling embarrassment and shame in it. I had to really work hard to choose to trust in God through the process of my moving forward and the belief He knew me better than myself.
Never at that time could I have ever even imagined it would be possible to meet someone that was my best match and that I could love more, harder and see clearer all that he is. And with it I get to have his amazing children in my life as well.
I choose him and this life that I love. I love that he also chooses me and knowing how it really is supposed to feel. He has restored so much I had lost including the desire to love or marry again all because of how he has consistently lived his life.
My heart is with my clients and others that are in the divorce process. I promise you will eventually get out, move on and travel a new incredible life where you get to choose so much more of your outcome.
I am a firm believer we will attract what we are, so don’t give up on who you are. I am here to remind you when you forget.
How has post divorce given you a better life?