I Trust in God
I have often been asked to share specific times I trusted in God.

When everything started falling apart I immediately lost trust in my husband, myself and everyone around me. But I knew I could trust God because of several experiences reinforced in my life starting at a young age. And that’s where trusting again began for me.
I trusted that God heard my prayers when I was five and prayed that my soccer team could score just one goal. Not that we would even win, but just score once. It was our only goal of the season.
I knew He answered prayers when I needed help, protection, an answer, extra energy, comfort or a clearer understanding of things.
I trusted Him that I would get to see and be with with my mom again after she died.
I am reassured that God is aware of me and exactly how I feel, where I am coming from and what I’ve been through.
I have trusted that God knows my kids better than me and I am just a part of their mortal journey. Ultimately He knows how to shape them in what He wants them to become. All despite my shortcomings.
I felt Him strongly at hospitals, lonely stressful moments with children, during sleepless nights and some of my darkest hours. He was all that I could feel and I knew He was there. I trust He will always be there even when I can’t feel Him because I am too numb.
He has allowed me to make mistakes, fail and learn yet each night I get to hit a reset button and start my day out with a brightly beautiful rising sun reminding me God is there. Sometimes I have to deliberately look up and really hard for it beyond the tall trees, but He is always there. He still loves me and fights for me to succeed. He is my biggest advocate and cheerleader in life.
If you aren’t sure, it can be as simple as knowing the sun will rise and set each day. We can start trusting again in God in just that miraculous event. It is believing in something bigger than myself that gives me hope. Especially when I have felt so disposable, insignificant and small.
How do you trust in God? What experiences have you had?