My Body Wept Tears

Some of my PTSD symptoms I experienced in my betrayal trauma after my first big discovery was that I felt very anti-social. I was physically frail and emotionally depleted.
My therapist lovingly demanded I do some simple self-care to help feed my mind, body and spirit with light. That was the first time I drew up a bubble bath and listened to my first podcast on Relational and Betrayal Trauma with Marnie Breecker. That validation helped start me in the right direction of strengthening myself and healing my soul.
I returned to my hot yoga class and although I had minimal strength from my lack of sleep because of nightmares and losing so much weight from being devastated, I went and wept the whole class. And as I sweat heavily it was like my body was weeping sweat tears as well.
At the end as I lay on my mat in meditation I started thinking of all that I was thankful for just as I did all the previous times I had in my life at the end of a class. But of course this time it was different. I was struggling to find gratitude at first. Then, my friend next to me moved over and put her hand on my arm. I could hear my two other friends nearby also crying in silence at my situation and I knew I was so thankful I was there with them.
I was thankful for my body and how impressed I was that it was strong despite feeling so weak. I was thankful for my children and their strength and resilience. I was thankful for my mom that I could feel her offering me power and care from the other side even when I was so numb. I could feel the prayers of others that helped me be able to do more than I knew I should. It helped me wake up and function for my kids every single day. This helped clear my mind and focus less on his choices that hurt us and instead on healing. It gave me the boost and confidence I needed to put one foot in front of the other and start my journey in my new life.
My body was familiar with yoga already and it was like this spoke to my vitality to wake up and feel alive!
What self care do you do for yourself on the midst of your trauma?
Here is the link to the Addicted Mind podcast interviews by Marnie Breecker: