Ovarian Cancer Awareness

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month. 🦋
Ovarian cancer is also known as the “silent killer” because the signs and symptoms can be vague and unable to detect in early symptoms. Be aware of them and be willing to see a doctor on a regular basis and especially if you feel something isn’t right. Tell the doctor you are worried and make them listen to you…even if you are wrong. Women are innately in tune with their bodies.
My mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at 47 and died at the young age of 50. Some symptoms were bloating and pain in her abdomen.
Before I was even old enough to go to an OBGYN I was taught the importance of going to get annual checks because “it’s what keeps you alive.” Sadly for her that still wasn’t enough.
My mom had concerns of breast cancer because her mom battled and died at 63 because she wouldn’t go see a doctor.
At the time of my moms symptoms there was little education on ovarian cancer and the genetic link to breast cancer especially through the BRCA 2 gene that we now know my family carries. Unfortunately, my mom went to an older doctor when she felt something wasn’t right and they sent her home for various sad reasons. Months later when the nagging persisted she went to another doctor to get a second opinion. By that time the younger and more up to date doctor knew exactly what it was without an ultrasound. The cancer had spread so much that when they did the surgery to try and remove things they compared it to gathering “powdered sugar.” It was way too late and now they could only do things to try and extend her life.
Watching my mom slowly die as the tumors and cancer overtook her new frail body has still been one of the saddest experiences of my life. I miss her everyday and the adult relationship we may have had.
This has been a hovering fear and burden I have tried to avoid since I was 16. I am thankful for ALL my doctors over decades that have listened, offered me education, sincere solutions and comforting care. Be aware of your family history. Be aware of your body. Be aware of the symptoms and be courageous enough to be proactive in your health.
#teamteal 🦋#ovariancancer #cancersucks #health