Self Care

Self care is often the most neglected part of healing especially with someone going through trauma.
I help people with this concept often and I have found those that need it the most usually won’t take time for it. It seems the common reason is because the person they loved that caused their trauma made choices that negatively impacted them in the name of “self care.” To them self care = selfish.
Self care looks different for everyone. I have found that balance in all things is healthy. That means we are considerate of those in our lives and with communication create stability of making time for ourselves. Setting appropriate boundaries and limits for ourselves and executing them are also crucial to our progress.
Some of my personal goals are praying and reading a little everyday. I also record a few thoughts every night in my “One Line A Day” journal. I love to exercise in a variety of ways and I also enjoy the outdoors. I make time to go to lunch with friends and each day I find a way to connect with each of my boys. I really try and focus on “progress not perfection.” This helps me grow while being patient in my healing process as well.
When is self care not selfish? Are we engaging in activities with the intentions of self care that really end up numbing us? What can we do to strengthen and connect to ourselves physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually? How can we execute these goals and be patient in our advancement no matter how big or small? What do you do for self care?
#selfcare #goals #physical #intellectual #emotional #spiritual #trauma #traumarecovery #healing #hope