Self Care and Self Worth

Are you making time for self care? Do really recognize your self worth?
I am so thankful for all I have learned about the different concepts of self. Some of them are selfless, self worth, selfish and self care.
One of the PTSD symptoms of my betrayal trauma was trusting myself. Recently after my divorce I felt so confused about my own life that I found myself at times depending on others to help me with my feelings and reality. As I developed a stronger self worth I found I didn’t agree with how others had told me how they thought I should be, feel or react.
I am so proud of myself for finally asking myself in the process of staying or going the question…”What does Marni want?” I now know this is not being selfish by inquiring this within myself. I knew I shouldn’t be with him but I let fear and doubt get in the way.
As truth presented itself I learned how he continued to be so dishonest to me. He had lied to so many people including himself that his words began to mean nothing and what I thought was good disappeared.
As he was trying to hold onto both lives I was the one that chose to no longer make the allowance for it and I let go. With it also vanished the expectation that he could be honest with me when he couldn’t even be honest with himself.
Hiking is one way I practice self care and feel Gods love. It reminds me of the different paths we can take to new amazing destinations. At times I have gone on the less traveled path but it’s lead me to something more beautiful than I anticipated before I began.
Looking back I love my new journey and fresh path. It’s the way God always intended it to be for me.
Self worth and self care are just a few of the many topics we will discuss in my women’s group coaching session, University of YOU!
More info on my website at
🗓️12 week session starts Thursday January 4, 2024 10-11:00 am MST.
Register at
I look forward to meeting you.
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