Self Care PIES

Happy Thanksgiving Week!! Don’t forget your self care PIES.
Physical: Creating a minimum of 20 minutes a day to help our physical body is crucial for our mind, body and spirit.
Intellectual: When we are reading and journaling we are more mindful of what is in front of us instead of focusing in on the trauma. This weekend is also a great time to write down some things we are thankful for. By doing this it brings us to our frontal lobe and can help prevent and pull us out of our triggers.
Emotional: Taking care of our emotional health is one of the most important. Expressing and recognizing our emotions helps our healing process. There are no bad or wrong emotions. When you are feeling strong emotions or physical responses to things, get curious and ask yourself why to be able to understand how to work through it. Often we can get into a downward spiral quickly by an assumption instead of the truth. Literally ask yourself, “Is this something that is true?” If so, follow up with what you do to pull yourself out to stop spinning.
Spiritual: Finding a way to connect to God every day. He is loyal and sees our perfect potential. As we understand what it means to be a son and daughter of God we are able to set and keep better boundaries and become better versions of ourselves. It is especially important to recognize that there is something even bigger than ourselves. Even in the beauty and grandeur of Mother Earth.
I hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend and the ability to be proud of the progress you have made since this time last year.
I love having holidays as a natural reminder of all the advancements I’ve made or my ability to overcome triggers quicker. I’m still healing but I love that I have been able to let so much go as well. In practicing my PIES, I find they usually overlap. By engaging in one I also complete another one as well.
What is your favorite PIE? What do you do to prepare for the holidays?