Time Out For Women

This weekend all my buckets got filled at Time Out For Women with these outstanding women.
It was especially fun to hear Laurel Day and Reyna Aburto present because they were also presenters at the Life After Divorce Conference I was at. The Bonner Family was a special treat and (surprise …surprise) got me up on my feet singing, dancing and clapping.
I had never been to this conference before but because of our help with the MagnifyTheGood.com campaign we got these amazing tickets. I also got to meet up with a new friend and warrior sister in healing.
A few highlight takeaways were the importance of sharing our light and Christs light with others. And how often a little gesture, hug, text or even prayer can change the course of someone’s lives because they feel seen and loved my God. I am reminded to trust in God’s light and to have the courage to share His light with others. I am thankful for these angels on earth.
Can you think of a time someone sharing their light has impacted your life for good? How do you share your light with others?