11DecBetrayal Trauma, D-Day, Divorce, Gratitude, Grief, I Believe In God, Inspirational Artwork“Hand of God”I recently met Yongsung Kim and expressed my appreciation for his inspired artwork, especially “Hand
04DecBetrayal Trauma, D-Day, Divorce, I Believe In God, Inspirational ArtworkAngels In My LifeShortly after my first big D-day, I was in a very dark place. I was
28NovBetrayal Trauma, D-Day, Dating, Divorce, Gratitude, I Believe In God, RemarriageThankful for the HardToday we are beyond thankful for the hard. At one time, our divorces were soul
26NovGratitude, I Believe In God, Life Coach, Self CareSelf Care PIESHappy Thanksgiving Week!! Don’t forget your self care PIES. Physical: Creating a minimum of 20
21NovAnti-Porn, Betrayal Trauma, Divorce, Helpful Resources, Remarriage#NoPornNovemberSo proud to be a part of #RepTheMovement in #nopornnovember with @fightthenewdrug. I feel blessed
18NovBetrayal Trauma, Divorce, Gratitude, I Believe In God, Remarriage, Woven FamilyOvercoming DivorceThe whole divorce process was so sad, dark, overwhelming, inflicting, hurtful and confusing. I felt
04NovBetrayal Trauma, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, I Believe In God, Life CoachHope is on the HorizonClimbing my first big mountain was the scariest, hardest and at times felt like the
04NovBetrayal Trauma, D-Day, Divorce, RemarriageWhat is a D-day?What is a D-day? D-day stands for discovery day. It is the day you first
28OctBook Club“Eight Dates” Book ClubMy October Book Club recommendation is “Eight Dates” by John Gottman, PhD, Julie Schwartz Gottman,
21OctBetrayal Trauma, Divorce, GriefGrief in DivorceThere is a lot of grief in divorce. So many losses including the recognition that