15OctBetrayal Trauma, Divorce, Gratitude, I Believe In God, RemarriageUnanswered PrayersWe were recently listening to Garth Brooks when the song “Unanswered Prayers” came on. I
09OctD-Day, Divorce, Gratitude, Grief, Life CoachThe Fog Was LiftedI remember the day he moved everything out. I had the kids sleep away so
26SepBook Club“The Book of Forgiving”My September Club recommendation for May is “The Book of Forgiving” by Desmond Tutu &
23SepBetrayal Trauma, D-Day, Life CoachNightmaresIs your trauma giving you nightmares? Do you have a hard time falling asleep or
16SepBetrayal Trauma, Divorce, PTSDSuicide Ideation is a PTSD SymptomSuicide ideation is a PTSD symptom in betrayal trauma. After he texted he wanted a
10SepBetrayal Trauma, Divorce, Grief, I Believe In God, RemarriageFinally Jumped InThrough the divorce process and early afterwards, the unfairness of everything seemed to exceed beyond
02SepBetrayal Trauma, Divorce, I Believe In God, Remarriage, TrustHope is RestoredI love how Mark and I share so many similarities in our stories. We both
25AugBook ClubAugust Book Club “Self-Care for Grief”My August Book Club recommendation is “Self-Care for Grief” by Nneka M Okona. With the
20AugLife Coach, Trust, University of YOUTrustTrust was so violated in my previous marriage that I know it will take me
15AugLife Coach, Triggers, University of YOUTriggersTriggers are especially prominent during the holidays. Because my first big D-day is Christmas Day