04DecGrief, University of YOUGriefHave you experienced grief over a lost job, break up, a death of a loved
29NovAnti-Porn, Betrayal Trauma, University of YOUWhat is Betrayal Trauma?What is betrayal trauma? “Betrayal trauma occurs when the people or institutions on which a
22NovSelf Care, University of YOUSelf CareHappy Thanksgiving Weekend!! Don’t forget your self care PIES. Physical Intellectual Emotional Spiritual Self Care
20NovAnti-Porn, Best Quotes, Divorce, Helpful Resources, Remarriage#NoPornNovemberSo proud to be a part of #RepTheMovement in #nopornnovember with @fightthenewdrug. I feel blessed
16NovLife Coach, Trust, University of YOUTrustTrust was so violated in my marriage that I know it will take me a
09NovBoundaries, Life Coach, University of YOUBoundariesSetting and maintaining healthy boundaries is usually the most difficult for those that we need
07NovBetrayal Trauma, D-Day, Divorce, Life Coach, Remarriage, Woven FamilyWhat’s Your Story?Do you know your story? Understanding and accepting your truth of what happened in your
31OctBetrayal Trauma, Emotional Abuse, GratitudeBefore the Mask Fell OffThis once deleted photo recently popped up. It carries so much emotional weight. I waited
30OctBook Club“The Four Agreements”My BOOK CLUB recommendation for October is “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. This
24OctAnti-Porn, Betrayal Trauma, D-Day, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, Grief, Helpful Resources, I Believe In God, Life Coach, Self Care, Triggers, Trust“In Real Life” Speaking EventI am so excited to be a presenter for the “In Real Life” speaker series.