“He Restoreth My Soul” by Donald L. Hilton Jr. MD

My Book Club recommendation for March is “He Restoreth My Soul” by Donald L. Hilton Jr.,MD. I picked this for today because it is also Easter.
The beginning chapters in “Part 1: Addiction” is potentially a rough read. It’s deliberate, educational, humbling and exposing of truth.
The “Part 2: Healing” offers support, hope, repentance and healing a broken heart.
I love celebrating the Atonement today. I came to really understand what it means in my life after my mom died of ovarian cancer when I was 18 years old. I was hurting, broken and felt abandoned by God. It was at a desperate moment at the site she was buried I had a very candid and tearful conversation with God. I didn’t understand the why behind what He could have prevented. My heart was shattered and I missed her so much. I couldn’t see a way to live optimistically going forward at all. My pain was deep and I was extremely lonely feeling like nobody knew how I was feeling or could relate exactly.
It was as I was exhausted and weak that I felt the warmth and love of my Savior like a hug. I knew in that moment the Atonement meant Christ knew me perfectly and what I was feeling. I was not alone and that He was always with me.
This experience became crucial when I went through another heartbreaking time 22 years later in my D-day and beyond. This time it was someone else’s agency and the abdomenmet and betrayal felt similar. But this time, I knew Christ was with me and I could see it. I was also able to see Him in other people. They were my angels on Earth when my belief and faith in God needed to be more tangible.
There is hope in healing. Turn your hurt over to God and pray for Him to take from you what feels like too much. Kneel in prayer often and ask for the things you need. Seek to recognize your angels around you and Gods tender mercies in the darkest parts of your day.
I can’t wait for the day I can see Christ and give him a big hug because He has always loved me, fought for me, comforted me and pleaded on my behalf.
Happy Easter!